AJ Meets Little Red Riding Hood
I'm Lilly and I love Halloween, especially this Halloween where I was invited to a costume party at my Grandma's house. I already have my costume on and looked forward to the treats and the party. This year, I'm Little Red Riding Hood and I may not meet a wolf, but I might meet a hunky bad boy. I was walking to my house and then this guy was walking behind me. I turned around and said, "Hi. Do I know you?" He said to me as he walked beside me, "I was just walking to a friend's house." I replied, "Well, I'm on my way to a Halloween costume party at my Grandma's house." He lowered his sunglasses, placed them on the collar of his tank top, looked at me from head to toe, and asked, "Mind if I ask you are to be?" I smiled at him and said, "I'm Little Red Hiding Hood." He grinned and asked, "Does Little Red Hiding Hood have a name?" "I'm Lilly." I said. "I'm AJ. I bet you are as lov...