
Showing posts from September, 2024

Another Honey Lust story preview

  The city public library is my home away fr om h om e b ecause books ar e m y f avo rit e way to esc ape real ity. It warms my he art to see p eop le los ing themselv es in a b ook or checking o ut seve ral of them at a ti me.    My name is Evonne Simmons, I’m 32, and I’m a newly hired librarian who’s also an at-home bibliophile. I’ve been working at the city public library for over a year after the head librarian had to retire because of health reasons, all that aside, I love my job! I’m the youngest librarian in the public library, plus it helps that my glasses are not on a chain. I wear my curly hair down, my clothes are in bright colors, and I wear makeup. I do my best to make sure everybody’s visit to the public library is pleasant ; aside from making sure other readers don’t get disturbed by loud volumes, I encourage visitors to take book selfies and pics of their library hauls to share on social media. I also made sure that the library has an old-fashioned