New Honey Lust story preview

 My name is Dionna Carter, I’m 26, and this story happened to me two years ago. I had worked as an administrative assistant at a real estate company; my employer, Katherine Tarver, was the head realtor of the company. I was fresh out of college with a business degree and a newlywed; my husband Lamar and I had dated for three years and were married for five. Lamar was working two jobs: his primary job was a pharmacy technician and his other job was as a delivery driver who delivers prescriptions to people’s houses. 

Here’s a brief fact: Lamar and I first met at a job fair of all places, plus we both went to the same college except I graduated a year before him. Things had been going well for me, personally and professionally, for a while. That was until a year later…

The marriage strain started on our wedding anniversary; I had looked forward to a very romantic date that night after getting off work and had everything set up. I had prepared a rich surf and turf dinner for us (a steak and lobster dinner with creamed spinach), a red rose bouquet, a dessert bar (me included!), brand-new lingerie, and romantic sex by candlelight with strawberries and champagne. I also had a gift for Lamar and was hoping to get a gift from him as well. That night, my mood had gone from horny and romantic to exhausted when he came home at three or four in the morning. 

Most days, he has been going out a lot, sometimes doesn’t come home till later nor does he tell me where he’s going. For a while, I’ve been putting in many more hours at work, especially overtime; I do a lot as an office assistant, setting up meetings, organizing open houses, calling catering orders, etc. When I’m not running office errands or going on coffee runs, I use my lunch breaks for online school because I’m taking courses at a real estate school while both training for a job at an insurance company and getting my license to sell insurance in my state; not only do I want to help people find a home to call their own, I also want to help them protect their home as well. 

At the office, I was well-liked by co-workers and clients; I always remember a birthday, anniversary, holiday, lunch order, or coffee order. My boss loved how I was always on the ball with office tasks and admired how I took the initiative; there were twice I shadowed her when she did open houses and of course, I had to accompany her for safety reasons while following the 51 recommended safety tips from the National Association of Realtors. 

One day while going out on a few errands, I stopped at the pharmacy where Lamar worked and picked up a few items. There, I was approached by one of his coworkers under the guise of wanting to assist me in finding some multivitamins. One of them told me they hadn’t seen Lamar in a couple of days; the pharmacy also dealt with customers who hadn’t received their prescriptions by delivery or in person. I found that strange because Lamar always ensured the customers’ prescriptions were filled or delivered on time. 

Another example was one day at work at the start of the workday when I received a call from Mrs. Tarver as soon as I clocked in. She had called to tell me that she was going to be late coming to the office, it was the day of an important morning meeting as well as a presentation for a client; not only that, she had given me the task of putting in a catering order for that meeting. I made sure there was plenty of coffee for the meeting, I’m talking caffeinated, decaf, and half-caff. The morning meeting was a success, despite my boss being late; it was not like her to be late for work, let alone miss a day unless she was sick or injured. 

This had been going on for a while; there were nights when Lamar would come home only to leave again after he got off work. Also, I often get calls from him, saying he won’t have dinner or breakfast. Mrs. Tarver, on the other hand, would have me delegate tasks when she couldn’t make it to the office for any reason; sometimes she also asked me to house-sit when she goes out of town on most weekends. 

One day, I went out on my lunch break at the nearby bakery & cafe when my boss’s husband approached me because it seemed that our respected spouses had been acting suspiciously. He then told me how his wife Katherine, my boss at the real estate office, had noticed a few things about her. He had noticed that she had recently bought new lingerie and perfume; another time, he found out she had been racking up frequent flyer miles on her airline credit card because she often travels for business. I told him about my husband coming home late on most nights (including our anniversary night), smelling like someone else’s perfume, not being at work for a few days, and not telling me where he goes especially after a work day. 

We thought about hiring a private investigator, so we decided to work together and gather information involving both of our spouses without them knowing. We also agreed to meet once a week to check in on each other for our mental health; I had decided to call the private investigator since I got the business card from Lamar’s father after visiting him last Father’s Day. 

Several days later, we took all the information we gathered, screenshots of text messages included, and went to the private investigator’s office; letting them take it from there. We met up with the investigator after a few weeks and got the results: both my husband and his wife were having an affair! Not only that, there were three other things: 1) they were in Las Vegas, along with his friends (same city, different hotels), 2) there were male enhancement pills (one of them had a bottle with Mr. Tarver’s name on it) in the hotel suite the two of them were staying in, and the biggest one of all 3) Katherine is pregnant!

We looked through all the evidence (photos, receipts, etc.) after the complete shock wore off from the confirmation that our spouses had been cheating on us. At this point, divorce was the only option for both of us while quitting my job was another option for me. After work that night, I typed up my updated resume while looking up divorce attorneys and doing assignments for my online classes on my laptop. I began running on full cylinders whenever I multitask, thriving on caffeine in many forms, at both work and home. I then decided to do a little project with the photographic evidence of their infidelity, using them as an announcement of my impending divorce. 

But first, I had to meet with a divorce attorney, so I called the Law Offices of Ashton, Martin, & Associates using a business card given by the private investigator on my lunch break. I can’t tell anybody about the divorce yet, I have to make all the moves as stealthy as possible. I wrote down an entire plan while feasting on a large grilled chicken cobb salad with extra avocado, hard-boiled eggs, bacon, and green goddess dressing on the side.

The following week, I got myself ready to meet with an attorney over at Ashton, Martin & Associates on Monday morning; I drove over to the law office two hours early, gathered all the evidence into a file, and walked into the office with confidence and assertiveness despite being nervous on the inside. For fashion, I wore a teal and gray outfit from my closet: a dress, jacket, heels, earrings, and handbag.

I was greeted by a wavy-haired woman, who’s a receptionist, with round-framed eyeglasses as I sat in the reception area; we made small talk and she offered me a coffee. I gave her a short explanation of my situation and showed her my file. She advised me with the quote: “Don’t get mad, get everything!” After hearing that quote, I was mad and intended to take everything from Lamar and Katharine until they had nothing left!

A few minutes later, I was approached by one of the attorneys, a tall, clean-cut, Asian man wearing a dark blue suit with black shoes and tie. I stood up and he greeted me with a firm handshake as we stepped into his office; he introduced himself as Kavin St. John. I felt a bit of a heated rush in my body at the feel of his hand, his handshake was firm but his hand was smooth to the touch. 

“My name is Kavin St. John, I’ll be your attorney representing you in your divorce case.” He said to me.

“I’m Dionna. Dionna Carter. I’m looking forward to getting my soon-to-be-ex husband out of my life and apartment.” I replied.

I then gave him my file of my husband’s infidelity with my employer from the private investigator and explained to him everything about my situation. I maintained eye contact with him while he listened to my marriage story from the beginning to now and also gave him the business card from the private investigator for confirmation. Kavin stepped out for a moment to call the private investigator on his smartphone. I thought about a little craft project I wanted to make while I waited in his office. I then noticed his bookshelf full of law books, a picture of him and his parents at his law school graduation, and a tiger plushie with a graduation cap on top. 

Kavin came back into the office several minutes later, and everything was confirmed. He then looked through everything in my file. 

“After reviewing everything, you have a very strong case for a divorce on the grounds of double infidelity. Would you like to to add some conditions to the divorce papers?” He had asked me.

“I like to add that Lamar should get tested for both paternity and also STDs, especially since the other woman is pregnant. Plus, I want to sue both of them for alimony.” I replied.

Not only was I ready to move on with a fresh start, I’m ready for both a new career and a home for myself. All that and a new man to bring to my bed! While I listened to his advice, I secretly thought about Kavin with those hands, that honey-kissed skin, those almond-shaped eyes and those full lips…I mean, he’s hot but he’s also my divorce attorney!


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